Articles for the Soul and
the Expansion of Consciousness
The themes of these writings are varied and address areas in life that are Universal to the human experience. The energy and content of the writing is guided through meditation and my own personal experiences of awakening and integrating higher consciousness into everyday life.
The intention is that these articles may offer helpful insight and energies into living life with greater ease and joy, bringing your full, embodied Authentic Self into all aspects of your life.
A recording of many of the articles is available as many felt they were better able to feel and integrate the energy and information of the articles through listening rather than reading.
Enjoy !
State Of The New Earth Address
Shortly after catching a snippet of the State of the Union address in February 2019, I found myself musing that what we really needed as a nation, and perhaps even a species, was a State [...]
We Are Not Alone
Last week we had a precious and impassioned millennial come to our door. She was representing a non-profit environmental project in CA focused on eliminating styrofoam. Don and I immediately were drawn to her authenticity [...]
How Do We Recognize Our New Earth Leaders In The Future…
When I attempt to watch these US political debates, it only takes about 5 minutes and I find forwarding in time... Envisioning the political “debates" that may happen within the Government of the [...]
My Love of Showers
I take a lot of showers. I could be categorized as Obsessive Compulsive around my desire to clean myself frequently. But these showers are not your normal water showers. These are actually energetic showers or [...]
A Cosmic Wake Up Call
It is helpful when the call to act is LOUD and CLEAR. At times in my life it has not been. It has come in whispers, through dreams, or perhaps just a sense of knowing [...]
Creating A New Kind Of Vacation: Traveling Multi-Dimensionally And With Purpose
(audio of article to assist moving into the energy and information shared in this writing) Have you ever had the sense when you were vacationing that there were other, less obvious reasons, why [...]
Activating Your Divine Blueprint Of Awakening
Do you ever feel that your Spiritual Awakening has been "paused", or that you have reached a plateau that has continued for months or even years? If so, the energies and information in this [...]
Meeting All Of Life With Love
Is meeting every person, experience and situation in your life from a place of Love really possible? Or is this amazing experience available only to enlightened masters, or those meditating many [...]
Choose Your Reality!
What would life be like if you could choose between two completely different experiences of reality in every moment? Just like Neo in the movie "The Matrix" having to choose between taking [...]
Recreate Your Past, Experience A New Present
What if it was possible to completely "revise" a painful, or traumatizing event, situation, or even childhood memory so that it "lives" in you in a completely new, life-affirming way? Imagine choosing a new [...]
From Aging to Emerging
Passionate. Vital. Purposeful. Thriving. My new heroine, Barbara Marx Hubbard, is a master of re-framing life into a beautiful and life-giving vision of what is possible for all humanity on the Earth. [...]
Living in the Essence of LOVE
How do we live in the true nature of Love in relationship? Does love mean that we sacrifice being our authentic self? Is it a type of ownership of another's attention, time and [...]
Recognizing TRUTH….in 5 steps
How do you recognize and trust what is Truth? With so much conflicting information available to us on every imaginable topic, how do you discern what is Truth, what is fabricated, [...]