When I attempt to watch these US political debates, it only takes about 5 minutes and I find myself..fast forwarding in time…
Envisioning the political “debates” that may happen within the Government of the New Earth: A future Earth with a Government truly of and for the people. I see:
It is not a debate, It is a sharing of ideas and visions with the personal and collective intention to ONLY be in and of service to the highest good of the people;.
The only personal agendas is to bring forth ones brilliance, authenticity, and gifts for the collective good.
The gathering begins with a meditation to move all participating and watching into a shared space of connection, agreed upon collective goals for coming together, and personal alignment with Source/God/Universe.
The discussion is generative, loving and creative held in honoring and appreciation of each others voice, ideas and gifts. A collaboration and coming together of those widely recognized as having the wisdom, skills, consciousness and gifts most needed at the time for the governance of the people.
The gathering is utilized as a way to recognize gifts in each other so as to be able to discern who naturally , and aligned with their true purpose, Is a fit for a certain positions.
The powerful, loving and clear energy of the group catalyzes new thought, vision and ideas to emerge in furtherance of the well-being and evolution of all Earthly inhabitants , including animal and plant life and the Planet. ..
And this is just the beginning.