Is meeting every person, experience and situation in your life
from a place of Love really possible?
Or is this amazing experience available only to enlightened
masters, or those meditating many hours a day, living separate from the world?
When we truly realize and trust that we are created from the fabric
of Love, and thus this frequency lives in us, activating it feels
not only possible, but inevitable. Love is in our DNA. Our Blueprint.
Even if we are not feeling it coursing through us at the moment, it is
still who we are; waiting to be realized. And the more we put our
focus on awakening the Love within us, the more it shows up. Often in
surprising ways. Love can take our breath away. Move us to tears. Push
us to do things we never could have imagined. It is the most powerful
catalyst in the Universe and with practice can completely quiet the
other dominating catalyst in our world: fear.
So, how do we activate this LOVE within us so profoundly that it becomes
our dominant reality with all people and situations?
There are infinite pathways to remembering and experiencing ourselves as Love. Here are a few suggestions that I have found to be very powerful.
Notice what you love, every chance you get. Express your love at
every opportunity. Along with sharing the Love vibration out in the
world, it trains your awareness of when you are feeling love.
Spend time with anything that organically creates the experience of
love in you, such as a child or a beloved pet. Focus on love like you
would a skill that you want to hone in yourself. Through focus on
anything that brings up the feeling of love in you, this
powerful energy becomes enlivened.
It is very helpful to create a morning prayer that reinforces this
desire and intention. For example you may say every morning upon
awakening: “I am intending to activate the Love from Source (Divine
Creator/God) within me today in every way with all people and all
situations. I am intending to feel Love coursing through me as my
dominant experience today and to radiate Love and Harmony to
all those around me.“
Your first thoughts in the morning are very key
in creating a powerful template for your day. Harness the
power of the moment to focus in on what you want to experience for
the day and repeat it out loud to yourself.
And this includes judgment of yourself as well as others. Where
there is judgment, love is more difficult to access. Judgment focuses
on what is not right, while love will zero in on the beauty, the brilliance
and a higher understanding of someone or an experience. Love helps you find
your true self, your exquisite essence that is perfect and beautiful
beyond all comprehension.
Catch the voice of judgment and change it to this voice of love. At times
of self judgment, think of yourself as a small child learning and finding
their way. Speak to yourself as you would this precious child. Ask to
see others through these same eyes when you are feeling judgmental. It
does not mean you turn a blind eye or ignore mis-aligned behaviour, rather
you hold the person in compassion and love while discerning the most
aligned course of action.
Love helps us move into and recognize thoughts and plans
that align with the highest good of all. We become able to
“work” at a higher level in all situations with a macro under-
standing of what is unfolding, rather than a limited scope grasped by
our human mind and ego. Inside the Love frequency, we find ourselves
moving into possibilities, solutions and connections that
were not available to us before. We shift into a new level of
consciousness which holds infinite potentiality.
Speak to yourself with the words and energy you would want to
hear from your most precious Beloved. Every cell and every part
of your being is listening and absorbing your self talk. In the
beginning you may not believe it, do it anyway. You may make
your self laugh with your comments of self love and self-appreciation.
Eventually self-love becomes integrated into the fabric of your
conscious self.
This is the most powerful step of all. For when we open at this
level to allowing ourselves to really be loved by our Divine
Creator, we can find ourself bathed in LOVE: for self,
for others, and for life. Due to old, limiting programming, rarely
do we let in this massive, infinite Unconditional Love that is
always present for each one of us. We can begin to open to it by
setting very strong intention/prayer to allow ourselves to be fully
loved by Creator. Ask that any resistance or unworthiness be
dissolved in the face of this all-encompassing love.
Creator’s Love is unceasing. It is we who block ourselves from
feeling it and allowing it to move through us, and support us.
Somewhere along the way, and often through the course
of many lives, we formed beliefs that we had been separated from
God, abandoned, or did something wrong and were being punished.
Others are angry at God for all the pain and suffering still
evident on the earth and for their own pain. There are many
different energetic programs as to why an individual has
blocked themselves from some or all of the greatest
nourishment and life force in the Universe.
It is a pivotal time on the Earth where all of our old
stories can be cleared. We CAN open again to experiencing
ourself FULLY and DEEPLY LOVED beyond measure. And as we open,
we come home to ourselves and all of life. In God’s Love, we are
free and supported to be exactly who we are in every moment
and to celebrate it.
This is the final step because it is a culmination and
integration of all the previous openings. As we fall
in love with ourselves, learn to meet life with the eyes of love
not judgment, and allow ourselves to be loved by our Divine
Creator, we find that we begin to radiate love as our normal state
of being. We cultivate it so strongly within us, practice it daily,
and invite in this Divine Stream until it becomes powerfully
awakened and pulsing through us and out of us.
It is at this level that we can change the world merely by our
Presence. We begin to work at a massive, global level that is
much more about “being-ness” than “doing-ness”. We can manifest
and create quite easily at this level of frequency as we are in
alignment with the Power and Force of the Universe and all of
Creation. As a result, our creations carry and emanate this
massive Love.
It is at this level that Jesus and Buddha walked the Planet. And
now it is possible for everyone to walk the Earth at this same
level. We are ALL Masters-in-training. We are ALL GOD, awakening
with our unique experience, voice, creations and life.
We are all LOVE.